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Water Bottle

A water bottle ensures that your hedgehog has access to clean, fresh water at all times, without becoming dirtied with waste or food debris. These bottles use a ball bearing so there is no risk of injuring your hedgehog's tongue or mouth.

These miniature porcelain ramekins are perfect sized as food/water bowls for hedgehogs. Durable and dishwasher safe.

 Food Dish

These homemade bucket wheels are perfect for hedgehogs! They have a smooth running surface that is safe for little hedgie feet and easy to clean. They are much quieter and sturdier than store-bought wheels.

Bucket Wheel

Hedgehogs are technically omnivores, but they have a strong leaning toward an insectivorous diet in the wild. Feeder insects make an excellent addition to your hedgehog's diet - they can be fed daily or as an occasional treat. Use them to add variety to your hedgie's diet, as a treat during bonding time, or to encourage your pet's natural foraging instincts.

Live insects purchased from us come directly from our personal, farm-raised stock. Unlike the live feeders you find in stores, these are healthy and gut-loaded with a variety of fruits and vegetables - nutrients that go straight to your hedgehog when they're eaten.

Mealworms are a favorite among hedgehogs.  and they are very easy to keep. Best for use in moderation because of the higher fat content.

Dubia are by far the best feeder insect. Ideal for feeding daily.

Feeder insects

Cage set up: 116 qt storage bin

This can be purchased at Target for about $15. Simply just cut one inch round holes in the lid for ventalation. To offer more space for your hedgie, you may buy 2 bins and connect them with pvc tunnel.

What to Purchase


Bedding is very important in your hedgehog's cage. Some people prefer to use fleece blankets, but i prefer using "KAYTEE Clean and Cozy". An even layer is to be spread acrros the bottom of the cage about 1 - 2 inches high. To make burrowing available for your hedgehog you may put 3-4 inches of bedding.

Litter pan

Some hedgehogs quickly get the hang of using a litter pan, when some may not. Litter pans can be filled with a thin layer of "Yesterday's News Cat litter". This makes cage cleaning an easier task.

Flying Saucer

This is a great alternative to buying a bucket wheel and doesn't take up as much space. Either one of these needs to be available to encourage exercise.


This is not for brushing your hedgehog's teeth, This is for bathing your hedgehog. 

Soft Paintbrush

A Soft Paintbrush is an easy alternaive to buying a toothbrush. Both are acceptable and gentle on the hedgehog's quills.

Aveeno Baby Wash

The best "soap" to use is a gentle oatmeal body wash - Aveeno and St. Ives both have something along those lines. Make sure it's unscented. Avoid anything with "shampoo" in the name, including shampoos for babies or cats/dogs - any kind of shampoo is too harsh to use.

Everything to purchase before buying your hedgehog

Travel bag

This is great for bringing your hedgehog home for the first time, vet visits, or even just car rides. Your hedgehog will feel safe and confortable with a small fleece blanket on the road.

Hiding space

Whether it be a small animal igloo or a home made house made from a cardboard box, Hedgehogs need some sort of hiding space to feel safe and comfortable.


"Hide 'n Seek Nestables are great for burrowing and hiding. This will make your hedgehog more comfortable and keep him/her busy.

Cuddle sack

These are great for your hedgehog to sleep in or to be used for boding. 


Tunnels are higly reccomended to be placed in your hedgehog's cage. They can be purchased in many different forms, from many different places. Tunnels are great for your hedgehog to run in and out of or sometimes sleep in.

Small cat toys

Small cat toys are great to be used as hedgehog toys. Be careful to look out for anything your hedgehog may be able to choke on and stay away from toys with cat nip.

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